A mini-ad for the High Life series, featuring Eric Brekke as Dean, and a reminder that comfort zones are often where you find them.
The director's cut of my first short film, a stoner fantasy titled The Baking Dead.
The follow-up to The Baking Dead, and the second in the High Life series, titled Blunt Offerings.
What's it all about?
Frank, Sammy and Dean are childhood friends who never really grew up. Now entering their 30s, they live together, party together and generally try to avoid the complexities of life together. Fueled by late night movies, overactive imaginations and generous servings of coffee and a certain herbal substance, they indulge in surreal encounters and outrageous adventures that may or may not be grounded in reality. Welcome to the High Life.
Muffin Mix Productions is a hastily constructed production company, created by writer/director David Salcido for the express purpose of giving a home to the surreal, pot-fueled fantasies that have become episodes of The High Life series.
The High Life series is produced in cooperation with LC52, a kamikaze group of guerilla filmmakers in Las Cruces, New Mexico, coordinated by industry professionals Kent Harkey and Dustin Richardson.
Watch 'em all
Everything produced by Muffin Mix Productions has been gathered together in one channel on YouTube, so you can watch them on your laptop, in order. How convenient is that?
Just click the image to the right to get there.